Nostrae lineares DUXERIT fixturam illustrantem machinatum ad potentem directam illuminationem, paribus cum externo exactore ad perficiendum optimize. PC diffundente instructus, uniformem lucem praebet distributionem et commodam illuminationem in diversis fundis, ab officiis ad institutiones institutiones et ultra.
Aliquam clavis est ad nostrum aditum. Unumquodque consilium singulare est, et solutiones discriminatim offerimus ad certas exigentias occurrendas. Sive longitudinem sive conformationem fixturae componens, speciales potestates integrantes, sive consuetudinis fines applicans, ad perfectam solutionem spatii tui illustrandam arcte collaboramus.
Elige ex optionum exactoris comprehensiva electione, in iis constantibus currentibus 0-10V, DALI, et rectoribus non obscuris. Provectus lineamenta ut album, dual album/Dime2Warm, DMX, et PWM solutiones illustrantes praebent flexibilitatem et potestatem accuratam super dynamicas illustrandas.
Experientia versatilitate et efficacia nostrarum linearium fixturae DUCTUS, quaevis ambitus cum effectivis, custo- libus solutionibus accensis, ad necessitates propositi tui formandas, destinatum est.
Invenire nostram versatilem linearem DUXERIT fixturam illustrantem, machinatum ad liberandum eximium directum accendentem cum externo exactore ad optimalem observantiam et efficientiam. Haec fixtura ordinatur ad efficacem illuminationem, servato nitidam et modernam aestheticam in variis occasus.
Ad lucem augendam distributio et diffusio, fixtura cum diffundente PC instructa venit, ut uniformis et consolatoria in ambitu ambiente illustrando. Sive spatia, sive institutiones institutiones sive commercialia, munus illustrans, haec fixtura offert officiam et stilum versatilem.
Aliquam clavis est ad nostrum aditum. Intellegimus unumquodque consilium singularia exigentias et optiones habere. Hac de causa adfixae nostrae possunt formari ad proprias necessitates tuas accommodatas. Ex componendo longitudinem et conformationem ad speciales potestates seu terminationes integrandas, arcte tecum laboramus ut perfectam solutionem spatio tuo solvendo efficias.
Secundum optiones aurigae, electionem comprehensivam praebemus inter constantes currentes 0-10V, DALI, et rectores non-obscuros. Accedit quod lineamenta provectas offerimus ut album, album, dual-to-Warm, necnon DMX et PWM solutiones illustrantes, flexibilitatem ac potestatem tibi dantes dynamicas accendentes.
Explorate normas nostras optiones quae includunt Matt White textured, Matt Black texta pulveris efficiens, et finit Argentum anodizatum. Vultus plus personalization? Our Customised service offers an expanded palette of up to 48 additional colors, sino you to tailor your selection to perfect match your preferences.
Nostra adfixa adfixa demonstrant praestantem versabilitatem et aptabilitatem, excellens in ambitus ambitus. Sive ambientium illuminationem officiorum, institutionum institutionum, sive conferentiarum conclavium praebens, sive in diversis operibus internisi illuminationem tradens, nostra adfixa lucent. Non solum productivity boost in officio spatia, sed etiam doctrinarum atmosphaeram in educationis occasus conducentem excolunt, quibus perfectam solutionem variis ambitibus illustrando efficiunt.
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 15W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1208 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 1350-2008lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.35kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 15W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1208lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1208lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1208lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1283lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1283lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1283lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1154lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1154lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1154lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 15W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1650lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1650lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1650lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1485lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1485lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1485lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1700lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1700lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1700lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1530lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1530lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1530lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1568lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1568lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1568lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1411lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1411lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1411lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 15W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1950lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1950lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1950lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1755lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1755lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1755lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 2009lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 2009lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 2009lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1808lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1808lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1808lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1853lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1853lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1853lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1667lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1667lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1667lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 27W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1208 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 2430-3615lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.35kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.0W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 27.8W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 35W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1208 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 2835-4687lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.35kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3150lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3150lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3150lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2835lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2835lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2835lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3245lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3245lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3245lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2920lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2920lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2920lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2993lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2993lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2993lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 2693lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2693lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 2693lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3850lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3850lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3850lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3465lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3465lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3465lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3966lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3966lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3966lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3569lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3569lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3569lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3658lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3658lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3658lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3292lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3292lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3292lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4550lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4550lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4550lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4095lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4095lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4095lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4687lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4687lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4687lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4218lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4218lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4218lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 4323lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4323lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 4323lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 35.0W | 3890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1208mm | 36.1W | 3890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 27W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1508 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 2430-3615lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.45kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2309lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2078lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2970lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2673lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3059lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2753lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2822lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2539lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 27W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3510lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3159lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3615lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3254lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3335lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 3001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 36W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1508 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 3240-4914lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.45kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3240lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3240lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3240lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 2916lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 2916lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 2916lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3337lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3337lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3337lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3003lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3003lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3003lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3078lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3078lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3078lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 2770lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 2770lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 2770lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3960lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3960lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3960lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3564lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3564lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3564lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4079lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4079lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4079lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3671lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3671lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3671lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3762lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3762lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3762lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 3386lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3386lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 3386lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Difuser Lens, Power: 36W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4680lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4680lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4680lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4212lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4212lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4212lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4820lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4820lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4820lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4338lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4338lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4338lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4446lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4446lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4446lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 36.0W | 4001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 37.1W | 4001lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Exemplar | U5141 | Input Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Difusores Lens | Potestas | 45W |
angulus angulus | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
UGR | <26 | SDCM | <3 |
perago | Textured Black (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | On/Off >0.9 |
Dimension | L1508 x W51 x H41mm | Lumen | 4050-6143lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Efficientia | 90 -130lm/W |
Institutionem | Pendant, Tectum Adscendens | THD | <20% |
Net Pondus | 1.45kgs | Vita Tempus | 50,000hrs |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 45W Efficiency: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Coegi: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4050lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4050lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4050lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 3645lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3645lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3645lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4172lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4172lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4172lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 3754lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3754lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3754lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 3848lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3848lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3848lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 3463lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3463lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 3463lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 45W Efficiency: 110lm/W, LED: Epistar, Driver: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4950lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4950lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4950lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4455lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4455lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4455lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5099lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5099lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5099lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4589lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4589lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4589lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4703lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4703lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4703lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 4232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 4232lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
Luminaire: U5141, Optical: PC Diffuser Lens, Power: 45W Efficiency: 130lm/W, LED: Epistar, Coegi: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5850lm | 80+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5850lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5850lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5265lm | 90+ | 3000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5265lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5265lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 6026lm | 80+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 6026lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 6026lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5423lm | 90+ | 4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5423lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5423lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5558lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5558lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5558lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 45.0W | 5002lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | On-Off |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5002lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Difusores Lens | 105° | <26 | L1508mm | 46.4W | 5002lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI' |